Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Appt. with the Neurologist

We had our appointment with the pediatric neurologist last week on Wed.  It went really well. I liked her, and so did Russell, she listened, and was very thorough. We didn't get a whole lot of answers, because we need to do more testing.  They did a little more testing on his muscles (mostly testing his reflexes), and she said that he definitely has a myopathy.  They were able to rule out the worst kinds of myopathies (thank goodness!!), but we don't know anything more than that yet.  The first test he needs is called an EMG (Electromyography) Test.  We're going to do that one at Primary Children's Medical Center, probably in February.  It's a test where they will mildly sedate him, and then stick needles in his arms and legs.  She said that parents need to be prepared before hand for what they will see that day.  Uh, yea.  That gave me a good chuckle.  (Later, obviously.  I was not laughing away during the appointment.  That would have been wierd. :) ) Anyway, that should narrow down what exactly is wrong.  So not too much information, which I'm happy about because now I have time to get used to this mentally before finding out what exactly is wrong.  And we were already pretty sure there was something else going on, so it's just confirming what we were thinking.  It feels good to be doing something about it.


Cheryl said...

I love you guys. I'm so glad you liked the neurologist. That's so nice when it's a dr. for one of your kids.

Belkycita said...

We will be praying! and cant' wait to see you soon.

Linda said...

Thanks for sharing even when the news isn't what you want to talk about. love you!