Friday, November 9, 2012

Pictures of 3rd cast

I wanted to post some pictures of Russell in his new orange cast.   
He's doing pretty good in this cast. He gets really tired, because he has to get used to it all over again after having it off for 6 weeks. But his arms and legs are building strength again, slowly. He's finally been able to go up and down the stairs again, and it only took him about a week to relearn how to do that this time. He's frustrated sometimes because he can't do some of the things he could do without the cast. It must be because he's older and can remember those things better now. But he's still mostly a smiley guy. Just need to skip mealtime, bedtime, and later in the day when he's tired. Those are tantrum throwing times. But it's getting better every day. I'm amazed at how quickly he's adjusting. He's a strong little boy.
This is the look he's giving when he's trying to figure out something, i.e. the camera. The toy keys he's holding, I gave to him right after he woke up from the anesthesia. He's LOVED them!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Russell's quite amazing. So are his parents!

ps He's also extremely cute!