Monday, July 23, 2012


Yesterday, we got R's carseat padded in a way that will better accomodate his cast.  Before, when he would sit in it, the cast would force his torso to be rigidly diagonal, so his chin was against the top of the cast.  Scott and I got some cushion padding at wal-mart and cut it to fit the carseat and go behind his back, and he looks sooo much more comfortable now.

We had R's visit with the physical therapist today, and he's doing so good.  We've been working on getting him to be able to stand up in the middle of a room, when there's nothing to hold on to.  And he's getting better at it.  Now, I can just stand behind him (where he can't see me) and gently pull up on his cast without him even knowing I'm helping (which is essential with an almost 2-yr-old).  We hope to be able to get him to do it without even that much help.  They also told me about a park near here that is an equal -access park, for kids with braces, wheelchairs, etc.  He might fit those swings and slides better.  I'm excited to go and try it out. 

The screaming is still kinda bad.  I got some good advice-thanks everyone.  We have a family get-together in one week, and again in two weeks.  I seriously hope it gets better before then.


Cheryl said...

We had a few of those equal-access parks by us back East. The swings are really big and nice and more like a chair, so hopefully, they will work! Those parks are really nice. I'm glad there's one nearby!

Linda said...

Don't stress about the screaming; we think he's pretty amazing to endure this,