Friday, July 27, 2012


This post if full of TMI, just to forewarn you.

We woke up this morning to find out that R has the stomach flu- coming out of both ends.  This is the first time he's thrown up in his cast.  That made for nasty nasty clean up, and I think it still smells.  I'm going to try the tea tree oil I have, and see if that helps the smell get better.  Thanks to the water-proof shells my neighbor sewed for R, the diaper leaking was not a problem last night.  My neighbor owns Stitch-to-Stitch, where she sells hand-made children's clothing.  The clothes are soo adorable-go check it out.  And she volunteered, and worked and worked with us to come up with this diapering solution.  Now I'm not cleaning the cast every other morning when the diaper leaks.  Thank you thank you sweet neighbor of mine!! 

This flu is coming at the end of a long week with no daddy around, since he's at Scout camp right now.  We've had a good week, filled with with lots of fun stuff, and some crazy and unexpected really stressful things, that I won't share on here, but I'm so happy he's coming home tomorrow.  We've really missed him.  I hope he's ready for the hug attacks he's going to get tomorrow. :)


Belkycita said...

P little guy!!!
I really hope the smell goes away, sorry I have no tips or anything more than moral support :-(

Cheryl said...

I just got caught up on the last two posts--looks like life gave you something to complain about. (c: Although, you didn't really sound like you were complaining--rather focusing on the positives which is pretty amazing given the circumstances. I hope the tee tree oil helps! And I'm SO glad Scott gets home soon!

Linda said...

And I already thought it was challenging enough to have a less than 2 year old in a body cast... I can't imagine the feelings you must go through every day, and I appreciate your awesome attitude. Thanks for inspiring me. love you!