Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 15

Aaarrrrggghh! So this day started with one child missing the bus AND refusing to eat her breakfast, one child finishing all his jobs before 7am, one child completely ready for preschool and trying to leave before 8:30am (preschool starts at 9am), and one child with a leaky diaper that completely soaked into the cast....
And so I just wanted to go back to bed. Why did I even get up?
Ever have those mornings? I'm sure I'm not the only one...but AAAAHHHHH I hate them.

But I didn't go back to bed. (Yay, me). I did my best to be empathetic, yet firm with the one who missed the bus. Lost my temper a bit, but I don't think that she knew, which is pretty good for me. Ended up driving her to school TWICE, because of a forgotten lunch the first time. But hey, I stayed true to the consequences. Poor girl had to empty the dishwasher, give me her Leven Thumps book, AND pay me 50 cents to drive her twice. Hey, you don't want to miss the bus around here. But by the time we got to school the second time (about an hour late, after taking care of wet cast and driving other child to preschool), she was blowing me butterfly kisses on her way out the door. (Something she made up, completely adorable :)) And I'm really proud of that.

The cast was about as wet as I've ever seen it this morning. And SOoooooo smelly. I cleaned him up, then blew it dry for about 45 min. It was still damp, but we really had to go. My neighbor volunteered yesterday to sew something for him, a kind of diaper that we could design ourselves. I'm TOTALLY taking her up on this option. I just have to see if I can come up with something that works.

At least the preschooler got herself completely ready for preschool all by herself. That doesn't happen every morning.

And my day has calmed down somewhat. I got to go on a walk with one of my friends this morning. Always a fun thing to do.

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