Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Over one of the humps

Now "Alice the camel has eight humps" is running through my head.

Anyway, a few days ago, I posted about Russell not eating. We've cleared that hump! He started eating yesterday, and is eating a lot still today. He's making up for lost calories, I hope. I got some good advice about letting it go, not worrying so much about it (thanks Meg!) and while I don't think that made him start eating, it sure helped me to be more at peace anyway. I think he must have had a really bad sore throat from the intubating during the surgery.

He's still more sad than he was without the cast. But that's to be expected. He's more steady on his feet, and seems to have better balance. So at least we're over one hurdle. I'm very happy about that.

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