Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Russell's moments

Russell has perfected the word "Mo-om!" or maybe over-perfected it. Yea. So far it means:

Look at me!
I'm hungry!
I don't want a nap!
I don't want my diaper changed!
I want you to hold me!
I don't want you to put me down!
I'm awake!
I'm unhappy about something/anything!
I don't know what to say!

I'm frustrated! This is me (Amy) talking again. Am I ready for him to learn another word? yes. Have I considered changing my name? sometimes. And is it funny sometimes? yes. I know this is just a stage. I 've been through it with all of my kids. But there's always THAT DAY that I just get tired of it, and wish we could communicate better.

In an unrelated story:
Last night, was a typical experience of "family prayer." Everyone wanted to be kneeling by someone else (a different place), different members were poking each other, still asking random non-prayer related questions, and someone else was crying. Russell knelt down, folded his arms, and then put his pointer finger to his lips and then pointed it at each member of the family, with a sharp "Ssss!". And we all stopped, and started laughing. Sooooo funny. A great moment of comic relief.

And then I think. Is that what I look like to him before prayer? Probably! And it's not cute. Trust me

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