Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

And the cast came back...

I'm going to warn you. This is a rant, rave, complain, whine post. Read on at your own risk.

Russell got his new cast on Monday. We've had mostly good days since then, but today was a bad day.

However, I should clarify that he has been doing SO MUCH better this time than he did back in March. He started walking with his cast the same day he got it on. He did great through the whole surgery. He's been walking and getting around pretty well. He's just so sad and mad.

And so am I. Can I tell you how much I don't want this cast back on? It's heavy. It's a pain to deal with (can't get wet, or dirty, can't stick things down the front of it...) And we can't go swimming anymore. Can't be outside in the heat too long, or he will sweat alot and get sores. Ugghhh. And it makes him so frustrated/sad/mad/but mostly sad.
It's pretty understandable. I would be too. He has hardly eaten anything since the cast. Sometimes he sees food and starts screaming. Or he sees his highchair and starts screaming. I was so excited when he ate almost a whole bowl of oatmeal this morning, but at lunch we were back to not eating. And when I say not eating, I mean he'll eat one cracker during meal time. Or one bite of chicken. Literally. Scott and I feel that his cast is ok, that we won't have to get it cut off, but I'm wondering what is making him not eat. I've tried popsicles, ramen noodles, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cheese (he's not allergic to dairy anymore!!), but I might make him oatmeal again for dinner since it worked so well this morning. I think he has a sore throat from the intubation during casting, but should it last this long? I'm guessing he'll get better in the next couple of days though. I think we just have to get through this.
And now I just looked over at him and he's eating the cup of cereal I left out on the table for him! Maybe all I needed to do was complain... Yea! He's eating!

He's been so sad today. He's cried almost the whole day, and I don't know how to help him. He didn't sleep much last night, but he did take a nap. He didn't nap yesterday. I know he's just getting used to the cast, and it's so much better than last time, but I really hate going through this. I just ache inside as I watch him grunt and groan just to get to a standing position. But he does it! And he's just happy he's up! I ache as I watch him try to figure out how to cuddle with me, and he's so sad that he can't hug me and lay his head on my shoulder, or sad that he can't reach his toys on the floor unless he lays down flat on his tummy and plays with them by his side. He can't lift his head and shoulders off the floor when he's on his tummy, so he just lays by the side of his toy, with his head on the carpet and plays. I watch him try to stand when there's nothing else to hold on to, and he can't do it. He tries and he tries, but that cast makes his center of balance off, and he's too top heavy. I know he'll figure it out eventually. His determination and persistence is a wonder.

The therapists came to our house today. We were really excited to tell them he can walk, so he doesn't need the walker. He really is doing awesome, all things considered. But there is this part of me that wouldn't mind so much if he got a cold again the next time we need to change his cast...


Meg said...
Oh I teared up reading that second to last paragraph. He's so tough, but it's so sad- no kid should have to go through that. He's going to be extra amazing after this, but that's hard to think of when you just see how sad it is right now. :(

Idea about the eating thing: Wyatt thrived off of the attention he got when he didn't eat well. I seriously think that he's gotten so good (finally!) at eating in the last few months only because I have finally been too tired to care as much as I have until now. As soon as I let go and didn't give him any attention (negative OR positive) in regard to his eating, he got better. So maybe try that? Hard to do though when he has so much right to be given all the attention in the world...

I'm praying for you! Love you!
Belkycita said...
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us the other night.
We love you and keep praying for the little man.
I hope he is feeling much better now and that he is eating better.
You can do it!
Cheryl said...
Yuck. I'm so sorry. He sounds like he's being such a trooper though. Although, I think that as a mom, sometimes it's harder to watch your child struggle and suffer when they handle it well than when they just whine.

But when I look at the resilience and strength of babies and small children, I wonder how anyone can doubt the existence of Heavenly Father. Only a divine being could make someone so small so capable.

All the same, I hope this time somehow flies by for the both of you.

Love you!
Amy said...
Meg-Thanks for your empathy. And for your advice. He's eating really well today. And thanks for the reminder to not dwell on his eating.
Belky-I loved talking to you too. That's the first phone call from England I've ever had-I was so excited to talk to you on the phone. It's been forever. And thanks for the faith in me.
Cheryl-I love how you say things. That is so true about how Heavenly Father makes little ones so capable and strong and resilient.

Thanks to all of you for your kind words as I re-focus my attitude.

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