Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 14

Happy Easter!
I love Easter. This time is a wonderful time to ponder on the renewal of life, the atonement, the resurrection, and Spring. I am so grateful for my Savior and His sacrifice for us. His love for us makes even the hard things in life become beautiful. I am grateful that He broke the bonds of death so we can live again with our families and with Him again.

Today was our first Sunday back in our ward with Russell in his cast. We have such a great ward. It's nice to go and feel the love and support from so many of our friends there. Someone said to me, "Isn't it nice that it's all over now? The waiting is done, and he's fine now that he's got his cast on." This is one of my good friends, and it made me remember that THAT is exactly what I thought before we got his cast on. I thought the waiting and anticipation was the hardest part. Ha ha. It's hard to explain to people that even though I am so grateful for this treatment option, and that it's helping him, it is still very hard to go through. Amazing the difference in my eyesight that the last two weeks have made!

Today is a beautiful day. It's so nice and warm outside...hard to believe that it was snowing just a few days ago. Springtime = Renewal of the earth. My heart is full of gratitude today for the gifts of Spring and the Atonement.

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