Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012


Today, while we were out and about, I passed a little house that had this written in black marker on the window, "Trials are just another way to prove what you're made of". This statement, plus the fact that someone graffiti'd their own house, totally caught my attention. Kind of made me want to take charge of the trials in my life, and prove something with them. Very empowering.

Scott has been building a fort in our back yard for the kids to play in. It's really tall, and just has the framing done so far, so it's a great climbing gym so far. I don't think it's a problem. But the neighbors seem to think it's dangerous. And they not so politely let me know that. Could be the fact that they can only see the top of it from their backyards, could be the fact that Scott hasn't been able to work on it any further for the last month, but it doesn't really matter. What they said made me feel pretty bad. And I called Scott, kind of hurt and angry that they said what they did. I had some meetings to go to last night, and when I got home, there was Scott, in the dark, working on the fort. Putting up bracings, guardrails, the works. And my heart just grew (kind of like the Grinch's) with so much love and gratitude for a husband that'd had a bad day at work, took care of the kids for me while I was gone, put them in bed, and then worked so hard on that just for me. He's my hero.

And just so you know, even though it kind of hurt my feelings, I think it's good neighbors who will speak up when they think you're building something dangerous for your children. It's nice to know they care.


Belkycita said...
All I keep thinking is, how cool it must be to categorize as "dangerous"?!!

Mmm play dates at Amy's!!!
Linda said...
Doesn't Belky have the best ideas! If Scott's fort gets you play dates with cousins... WOW!!! I might be speaking for all when I say that we can't wait to see pictures of it.

love you!
Amy said...
Yea, it is pretty cool. It has 3 levels. I think our neighbors might be upset that we can now spy on all of them.
Belky! Please please come play on it! I miss you and your family! And I did get your email, and Scott and I will get back to you on that-ok?
Heidi said...
Isn't it amazing that we learn by example? Scott may not even remember this, but one night Ron stayed up all night long finishing a tree house in Jared's backyard for the kids. Even if Scott doesn't remember it, Ron's done plenty of other things that have taught his kids some good character. Sorry you were 'not so politely' approached. Way to go and turn the other cheek so quickly! ;)

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