Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Joyful moment!

Russell's new cast date is the same day as the first day of summer science camp for Tyler and Emalyn. That is awful, because it meant Scott and the kids couldn't come down to UT with Russell and I. I DO NOT like surgeries. Especially surgeries for my children. They're awful. I've done one by myself without Scott, and I hated it so much that I decided I would never do that again.

What's funny, is that I had 4 weeks to choose from, with the science camp. I could have chosen ANY of them, but I happened to choose the same week that ended up being the only week we could do Russell's cast. But that's life right? Just what happens in life. There are 12 weeks in a whole summer, but the two things that we are only doing one time each during the whole summer have to be at the exact same time!! Yup. That's life.

So today, I called the summer camp and they agreed to change the weeks we signed up for, so Tyler and Emalyn don't have camp until the NEXT week. YES! Joyful moment at my house!!

I called Scott to tell him the good news. And he says, "ok so let me get this straight: In July, the first week we have a family reunion in Utah, the second week we have Russell's cast in Utah, the third week we have Science Camp, the fourth week I (Scott) will be gone to Scout Camp. Then comes August: the first week we have Emalyn's baptism, the second week we have another family reunion in Utah." Yes. But we like to be busy! And all of those things, except for one, are really good things. In looking at all of that, I realize we're very blessed. Blessed to have wonderful things filling up our life.

We had a checkup for Russell yesterday, and I talked to his dr about his not walking. We're starting physical therapy with Russell this Friday. They're coming to our house to do it. How nice is that? We don't have to go to them, they are coming to us! They're doing what they call a "global assessment" this Friday, which is testing in all areas of development. I'm happy we're doing this. Maybe we can get him walking before all the craziness happens in July and August!

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