Friday, July 20, 2012

"I Scream"

Anybody got ideas on how to teach a child not to scream? Cause I've got a major high-pitch screamer on my hands.  I'm ok with the crying, I know how to deal with that.  But the super-loud high-pitch wailing is OUT OF CONTROL over here.

Part of it is that he's still learning how to communicate, and he's very frustrated that he can't tell us what he wants.  That's pretty normal.  But he's also just very very angry all the time.  He's  so MAD MAD MAD.

And the screaming is making me deaf.  And I"m pretty sure no one wants us to ever visit them anymore.  I just don't know what to do.  We've begun (about 6 weeks ago) teaching him some signs to help him communicate what he wants.  He's picked up on "drink", but that's about it.  I've been trying to talk to him more, about everything, so that he can understand as much as possible about what's going on in his life. 

But the screaming has got to stop.  So any ideas, I'd love to hear them.


Cheryl said...

Cute blog! And Trey is a BIG TIME screamer. It's awesome. The best thing we've found (most of the time) is to ignore ignore ignore. Him and the screaming. But when it gets seriously offensive to the ears, we put him in his room and tell him he has to calm down before he can come out. Although, when he was a little younger, we just locked him in for a few minutes and then let him back out. And we repeat as necessary.

However, every now and then Mama's Intuition tells me that what he really needs is a good snuggle and hug and so we do that instead.

And lastly, when possible, we just try to find something to distract him. But this one rarely works. He is a stubborn little screamer.

Oh, and I guess this is really the "lastly" part--Blake has also given him a blessing at two separate times specifically to help with the screaming and both times it made a drastic and immediate improvement.

Sounds like the KFR could be a lot of fun between these two... (c:

Belkycita said...

Oh wow, I can't only imagine how that can put you at the very edge.
I don't have good tips for screamers ;-( sorry, but I used the "Signing time" videos to teach sign language to the girls. They really really liked them, we checked them out of the library Signing time with Alex and Leah. The first three volumes are for babies and very basic but from them on they have fun songs and what not.
Besides that.... earplugs?