Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Global Assessment

I just think that title is funny. Sounds so ominous. But no, we didn't actually assess the globe. ha ha. I'm so funny.
We did a "global assessment" on Russell. Turns out he's a little behind. Which is what I already knew. I just didn't know in what areas. We were referred to Idaho Infant and Toddler program because Russell wasn't walking, and he's old enough that he should be (he's 20 months in four days). So we set up this appt today for a development assessment. Then, two days ago, he starts walking. Really walking. All over the house, and the yard, and the deck at the swimming pool during swim lessons...etc. I can't keep up with him! I was so happy, I thought, I wonder if they'll even need to do anything for him now...
So we did part of the assessment today. We still need to meet with a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a speech and language pathologist. You know, if certain family members would just move to Idaho already, we'd have an OT and an SLP available already. Hint, hint. :)Anywho...
Yes, he's got some things he's not doing as well as he ought to. I knew his language skills were coming along slowly, but it turns out he's more behind in that area than I thought. Thus the need for the SLP. And there are concerns with how he's walking, and the effects of what a new cast will be for him, thus the need for the PT and the OT.
I'm really happy we're getting into this program. I think it will give us more support and better odds of this next cast going better than the first one did. I wish we'd done this sooner.
And then there's part of me that's wondering where I'm going to fit MORE in. It feels like we're just so busy and we already have so much going on. And all of this news is so overwhelming tonight. Part of me wishes we'd been told that he's doing great and there's no need for any of this. I'm so overwhelmed with thoughts of another cast, and more things that we need to work on with him. And I'm trying to be there for my other kids too. Wouldn't it be nice if everything else, and everyone else in life could just be put on hold when things like this happen? You know, just until we've got a handle on it and we can take a deep breath and say, OK, life can begin again! ? But life doesn't happen that way does it. Life is about learning what we are really capable of. Even when we're content with what we already know we're capable of and don't feel that we need to be more capable.

Ughh. So stressful. So not what I really want to think about tonight.

That's it. I'm just going back to being happy that he's walking.

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