Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Today is exactly one month since Russell got his cast on. I actually didn't realize this until my sweet mother called to congratulate us on making it one month already. Just like most other things in life when you look back, it seems like the time has gone by so fast, yet also sosooo slowly. Fast because it's just hard to believe that it's been a month since we were at the hospital getting it put on. But then when I think about how much I've learned, it seems like it's been on FOREVER.

I think the biggest blessing it's brought to my personal life is that I'm more aware than ever of how much my Heavenly Father knows me personally, and has orchestrated my life and that of our family so that tender mercies were already in place to bless us, before I knew we would need them. He knew exactly what I would need so that I could not despair, or give up. I've learned things that I would not have learned if I wasn't going through this. I'd thought we'd already been through some trials with our kids medical-wise, but I've learned they were just to prepare us better for this experience. I've figured out why this is so hard for me-it's the longevity, and it's looking at that cast everyday. It's like a really long illness...except no one's really sick (thank goodness). Russell is actually a pretty happy kid. He teaches everyone around him how to smile and laugh through hard things. People are always commenting on how happy and smiley he always is. This probably sounds weird, but I've had to work on seeing past the cast, and just seeing my adorable little boy.

Little miracles have happened along the way. For example, before the cast, Russell would always cry as soon as he woke up in the morning and keep crying until he got some food in him. He was also very afraid of loud sounds (like the blow-dryer). This could have been a hard thing for him when his diaper leaks in the nighttime, because we have to change him and blow the cast dry before getting him dressed and eating breakfast. However, he stopped crying when he had to wait to eat, and when the blow-dryer was turned on, about 3 days after he got the cast on. He's pretty content to wait the hour it takes to do all of that every time we have to do it. He doesn't cry AT ALL the whole time. That's may seem like a small miracle, but it's huge to me and to Russell. Heavenly Father is so mindful of us.


Linda said...
I love you. I'm grateful that you are sharing your attitude with the rest of us.

And I keep forgetting to aks, when will you have an oven/stove again? Any plans?
Heidi said...
I hated it when people told me it would go by fast. I was thinking, "Come live here and we'll see about that!" Time crept by during the first six weeks but flew the second six weeks. Congratulations on making to the month mark! You can do this. And it's so great that Russell has calmed down through the adversity. I hope Embri will stay the easy going child she's been. Hopefully I can help her remember how she persevered and remained happy through all of this. Russell, too. The doctor said that the child will be ticked when she gets it on, and ticked when she gets it off but Embri's not been ticked either time! Such a blessing. I am more emotional than she is about it. It's my job, I'm her Mom. ;)

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