Thursday, July 19, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Russell's progress

I cannot believe how much progress Russell has made in the last couple of weeks. Neither will you, once I explain.

I already told you that he started walking a couple of weeks ago. That was just two days before the global assessment. At that time, he still couldn't say more than 5 words total, and he didn't really babble at all. He never repeated what I said either. Really not normal for a 20 month old. So when they did the global assessment, he was behind in both how he walked (he brings his knees up really high with each step) and his lack of speech. I have been trying to teach him to name parts of his face (like nose, eyes, mouth, ears, etc) for over 6 months, and he has never once tried to repeat my words.

I think you all must have been praying for him. I don't know how else to explain what happened in these last couple of weeks.

He started last Tuesday, talking. He added about 5 new words to his vocabulary in the next couple of days. Then by last Friday, he could put 2-3 words together to make phrases. On Saturday, he said, "I can see you now" over and over as I was putting him into bed. He can say probably about 20 words now, on a regular basis, and has started just today repeating words he has heard us say. Like today, he said, "It's slippery", when he was trying to walk all over a pile of unfolded laundry. So cute.

And he is walking everywhere. I'm so proud of him.

The developmental therapist and the physical therapist came last week, and he passed the developmental tests with flying colors, and the physical therapist was worried a little about his high stepping, but they both think he's right on track with his speech now. I do too. The physical therapist talked to us about using a walker for him when he first gets his new cast on, to help him keep walking once the cast is on. But we'll see; I wonder if he'll just start walking on his own. He's made so much progress, that I think anything is possible at this point.


Melanie said...
You know, i do believe in miracles and tender mercies. I'm so happy for him and for you. Sure do love you guys.'s possible that the kids and I will be able to come to the baptism after all. I'll call ya to let you know.
Linda said...
I am so grateful for your miracles. Thanks for making time to share them with your fans. We'll all continue to pray for that little guy.
Belkycita said...
Such wonderful news!
yes,miracles do happen every day and I'm sure hearing his little voice is a joy for the whole family.
Love! thanks for sharing.
Amy said...
Mel-WHAT?! Seriously? I'm so excited that you might be able to come! Let me know when you know...
Mom-Thank you for your prayers-we can feel them.
Belky-Yes it is. And it is SUCH a cute voice.

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