Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

anticipation and walking

I'm home from church early today to be with Tyler who's sick with the flu. So I'm getting caught up on my blog.

We finally scheduled Russell's 2nd cast. It will be July 9th. I'm not too happy about this day, because Scott cannot be with me at Shriner's, since he will be at home with the other three, two of whom have science summer camp that week. But that was the best option they gave me. The only good thing about this is my sweet mother-in-law who has agreed to come to the hospital that day to be with Russell and I. I'm nervous about this cast again, because Russell will have been out of cast for 6 weeks by then. I'm wondering how much of what we went through with his first cast will re-appear for this cast. On the other hand, I feel peace about it too, that it will all work out, and he and all of us will be ok. We'll get through it, and it won't be as bad as last time.

Russell has started walking a little more. He's been able to take 2-3 steps at a time without holding on to anything for a couple of months. But a couple of days ago, he started walking across the room. He still doesn't do it all the time, but he's slowly building his confidence. It's about time, he's almost 20 months old. The dr's at Shriner's at our last appt were concerned that he might have a secondary condition, because he wasn't walking yet. They said that the cast doesn't slow any of the patients down, so it would have to be another factor causing his delay in walking. Sometimes this watching, and waiting, gets really old. Scott and I think he has had the ability to walk this whole time. Something has made him not have the confidence to walk. We've wondered about muscle weakness, because he is so small for his age, but after taking him to the park a couple of days ago and watching him do chin-ups (Seriously!!), I don't believe that's true either. It would make sense to me that scoliosis causes a person to have less balance. The doctors don't agree with me, but doesn't that make sense? He is really wobbly, more than any of my other children. He falls alot. And so I think he's just been more scared to walk.
So there you have it. That's my two cents. And I'm no professional, so I could be totally wrong. We'll just have to do more "watching" and "waiting". Ha ha. :)

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